Milagu benefits by dr sivaraman
Milagu benefits by dr sivaraman

About 80% of the people in developing countries use traditional medicines for their health care. It was an integral part of the development. Herbs had been used by all cultures throughout history. Traditional medicinal plants use in India is about 4000 years old. People have been using medicinal plants from time immemorial for the treatment of various types of disease traditionally. Benefits of ecosystem include climate and water regulation the creation and protection of soils, helping to reduce floods and soil erosion, shoreline protection, providing natural controls of agricultural pests and promote creative evolution. He is an author of a spinal chapter in a medical text book, and has published and presented papers on spinal surgery at international conferences.Biodiversity brings enormous benefits to mankind from direct harvesting of plants and animals for food, medicine, fuel construction material, and other uses to aesthetic, cultural, recreational and research values. He completed his spinal training at Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital and at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore, Middlesex under orthopaedic and neurosurgical team. During his training he worked as a visiting spinal fellow in Germany, the United States and India. Mr Sivaraman is a fellowship trained spinal surgeon. He worked as a Consultant Orthopaedic and Spinal surgeon at Barts and The Royal London from 2006 until 2011. Mr Sivaraman completed his higher surgical training in trauma and orthopaedics at Barts and The Royal London Hospitals. Techniques that Mr Sivaraman offers include inter-spinous decompression for degenerative conditions of the lumbar spine with spinal stenosis, and cervical disc arthroplasty (neck disk replacement) for degenerative spine disorders minimally invasive spinal fusion. Minimally invasive (keyhole) spinal surgery is a fast-developing field with many benefits for patients. Mr Sivaraman specialises in spinal surgery for degenerative conditions of the neck and lower back, deformity, inflammatory spinal pathologies (rheumatoid spine), spinal tumours and infections (eg spinal tuberculosis). He offers private spinal surgery and various spinal injection treatments for back and neck pain including radio frequency injections. Mr Alagappan Sivaraman is a Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon at Nuffield Health Brentwood Hospital.

Milagu benefits by dr sivaraman